Symposium Series 2017-2018

For more than six decades, fellows in residence at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences have explored vexing problems, extended knowledge of our world, and engaged in cross-disciplinary interactions that have led directly to breakthroughs in thought.
Each year CASBS is pleased to connect some of this extraordinary talent with public audiences. The Center's symposium series showcases current CASBS fellows and allows the public to consider their cutting-edge works-in-progress.
The 2017-18 symposium series continues this rich tradition. The featured speakers bring to bear the best in social science research with personal experiences that have influenced their thinking and should influence ours.
The consequences of contemporary technological innovations for the lives and values of future generations are enormous. The wide range of expected – and unexpected – applications require rethinking governance arrangements, legal regimes, economic structures, and social relations. Exploration of such topics is the subject of the 2017-18 CASBS symposium series.
Did you miss last year's stellar symposium series?
View full video coverage and read summaries of our 2016-17 symposia here
For more information about the Symposium series, please contact us at
All symposia will take place at CASBS with a reception at 5:00pm and the talk from 5:30pm - 6:45pm. Please watch for our email invitations for each symposium. Attendance is free, but seating is limited and RSVPs will be required.
November 14, 2017 - AI, Automation, and Society
Co-sponsored with:

Featuring three Berggruen Fellows at CASBS:

John Markoff
CASBS Fellow 2017-18
Journalist (retired)
New York Times

Arati Prabhakar
CASBS Fellow 2017-18
Director (2012-17)
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)

The Venerable Tenzin Priyadarshi
CASBS Fellow 2017-18
Ethics Initiative at the MIT Media Lab
Founding President and CEO
The Dalai Lama Center for Ethics and Transformative Values, MIT
View Video Footage of This Event Here
March 6, 2018 - The Effects of Technology on Human Interactions
Co-sponsored with:

Sarah Ogilvie
Berggruen Fellow at CASBS 2017-18
Lecturer, Linguistics
Director, Stanford Dictionary Lab
Social Sciences Research Fellow
Stanford University

Abraham Verghese
CASBS Faculty Fellow 2017-18
Linda R. Meier and Joan F. Lane Provostial Professor, School of Medicine
Vice Chair for the Theory and Practice of Medicine
Stanford University

Judy Wajcman
CASBS Fellow 2017-18
Anthony Giddens Professor of Sociology
London School of Economics
April 24, 2018 - The Consequences of Technological Developments for Politics and Government
Co-Sponsored with:

Carrie Cihak
CASBS Fellow 2017-18
Chief of Policy
Office of King County (Seattle, Washington)
Executive Dow Constantine

Nate Persily
CASBS Fellow 2017-18
James B. McClatchy Professor of Law
Stanford University