"I arrived at the Center for my fellowship year (1977–1978) from a faculty position at a large state university, where I taught large classes and did my research in my spare time. Interacting with the bright, stimulating group of fellows at the Center, and devoting my time there to my research, was an opportunity that I relished. I knew that I needed to change the direction of my career, and after I left the Center I began looking for new opportunities. I accepted a position with a private research organization, the Texas Biomedical Research Institute, where I remained on the faculty until my retirement in 2008. My new institution was not as relaxing as the Center, but was equally stimulating. My year at the Center changed my life. I have gratefully included the Center in my will and am pleased to be a member of the Live Oak Society."
Jean MacCluer CASBS fellow (1977–78)
CASBS has been the grateful beneficiary of generous planned gifts from former fellows. With a planned gift, you can provide future support to CASBS through a bequest in your estate plans or a life income gift.
A bequest is a gift from your estate—a transfer of cash, securities, or other property—made through a provision in your will or revocable trust, or through a beneficiary designation for a retirement plan or life insurance policy. A bequest costs nothing now and enables you to contribute to the Center's excellence far into the future.
A life income gift is an arrangement that provides you or others with income and leaves a gift for CASBS in the future. It may entitle you to tax savings. Gift options, including charitable gift annuities and charitable remainder unitrusts, offer payments to you or other individual beneficiaries you name and will benefit CASBS in the future. You can also arrange to give through your retirement plan.
All Live Oak Society gifts stay within the Center.
For more information, send an email to casbs-giving@stanford.edu or call the Center at (650) 736-0104.
Live Oak Society members as of September 1, 2021, with fellowship years indicated when applicable:
Lee J. Cronbach (1963–64) *
A. Richard Diebold (1967–68) *
Barbara Dornbusch and Sanford Dornbusch* (1954–55)
Lauren B. Edelman (2003–04)*
Julia Fremon and Robert Scott
Susanna Bettina Hecht (2003–04)
Susan C. Herring (2012–13)
Jerome Kagan (1979–80)
Herbert C. Kelman (1954-55 and 1966-67)*
Nannerl O. Keohane (1978–79, 1987–88, and 2004–05)
Robert O. Keohane (1977–78, 1987–88, and 2004–05)
Carol Krumhansl (1983–84 and 1993–94)
Donald Lamm (1998–99 and 2013–14) and Jean Lamm
Margaret Levi (1993–94) and Robert D. Kaplan
Lewis P. Lipsitt (1979–80)*
Jean W. MacCluer (1977–78)
Sara Miller McCune
Arno Motulsky (1976–77)*
Douglass C. North (1987–88)*
Walter W. Powell (1986–87, 2008–09)
Harriet B. Presser (1986–87, 1991–92, and 2003–04) *
Jerome Schneewind (1991-92)*
Mark Snyder (1980–81 and 1989–90)
Julian C. Stanley (1965–66) *
James A. Stimson (1994–95)
P. Sterling Stuckey (1980–81, 2002–03, and 2007–08) * and Harriette Coggs Stuckey