Hyeonho Hahm
Fellowship year
2024-25 - Hanyang University
Hyeonho Hahm will spend his year at CASBS focusing on three key research areas: scrutinizing how partisanship and polarization affect the domestic constituency mechanisms underlying theoretical models of compliance; investigating how delegation to courts and international bodies influences institutional legitimacy, party support, and populism in Europe and beyond; and examining the conditions under which democratic attitudes, conceptualized and measured as diffuse support, moderate affective polarization and enhance institutional legitimacy.
Hahm was an assistant professor at Hanyang University before joining the CASBS fellowship. He will start his new position at the Graduate School of Public Administration at Seoul National University in August 2025.
His research broadly seeks to understand the micro-foundations of political institutions and policy-making processes at both domestic and international levels. By integrating macro-level political institution frameworks with micro-level behavioral theories, he investigates how the design of political institutions and policy-making processes influence party politics, dispute settlement, and institutional legitimacy. His recent work has been published in American Political Science Review, International Organization, European Journal of Political Research, and West European Politics, among others. Hahm received his PhD in political science from the University of Michigan. He is the inaugural CASBS-Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies Fellow in 2024-25.
For more information, please visit https://sites.google.com/site/hyeonhohahm/