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Stéphan Vincent-Lancrin
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Stéphan Vincent-Lancrin

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

Fellowship year

2024 - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development - Study 6

During his fellowship, Stéphan Vincent-Lancrin will work on how the digital transformation in education could lead to new possible social models of education, and how they could apply and be beneficial in different contexts internationally. The work will be embedded in the understanding of broader ongoing societal changes: stronger awareness of AI potential, more frequent teleworking arrangements for parents, changes to the “globalisation” model, stronger awareness about the environment and nature, calls for greater social justice and social mobility, future crises, etc. It will bring together different strands of his past work on digitalisation, on competency-based education promoting creativity and critical thinking, and, more broadly, his comparative work on innovation, education research, and educational improvement.

Vincent-Lancrin is a senior analyst and deputy dead of the OECD Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI). His many books and papers are multi-level (K-16), have an international dimension, and are policy-oriented. He is a Marie Curie Fellow, a 2007 Fulbright New Century Scholar, and received awards for his work from the US National Association of Assessment Directors and from the International Center for Innovation in Education. He holds a PhD in economics, a master’s in philosophy, a “grande école” degree in business management, and music diplomas.