Stephanie Selover
Visiting Scholar year
Stephanie Selover is an archaeologist of ancient Middle Eastern cultures. Her research interests include the prehistoric and Iron Age cultures of the Middle East, evidence of violence on ancient human remains, the origins of violence and warfare in the ancient world, and the effects of modern politics on archaeology of the Middle East. She has excavated archaeological sites in Jordan, Turkey, Syria, Israel, Italy, and the United States. Selover is currently co-director for Project Logistic and Prehistoric Studies at Çadır Höyuk in Türkiye, and a field director at the site of Khirbat al-Balu'a in Jordan.
While at the Center she will be working on her second book, focused on Southern Levantine Iron Age I and II (ca. 900-700 BCE) domestic household archaeology, with a focus on the recent excavations at the Moabite site of Khirbat al-Baluʿa. Through this study, she hopes to better understand everyday domestic life of the Moabite peoples.
Selover is currently an associate professor in middle eastern languages and cultures and adjunct professor in anthropology at the University of Washington, and adjunct curator at the Burke Museum. Her first book focused on the presence and purpose of violence in early Anatolian societies.