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CASBS @ Stanford brings together deep thinkers from diverse disciplines and communities to advance understanding of the full range of human beliefs, behaviors, interactions, and institutions. A leading incubator of human-centered knowledge, CASBS facilitates collaborations across academia, policy, industry, civil society, and government to collectively design a better future.

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New Release!

Years of CASBS thought leadership, curated

The open access public learning resource distills some of CASBS's rich programming - in the form of podcast and webcast episodes, event & interview videos, and more - across six curated, post-election-relevant themes.


Acemoglu Wins 2025 Sage-CASBS Award

The MIT economist and Nobel laureate's interrogations into the causes of long-term economic growth exert influence throughout the social and behavioral sciences. He delivers a public award lecture at CASBS on April 24.

New Release!

The Social Science of Caregiving

Prestige publishing: A CASBS project curates the new issue of Dædalus. An all-star cast of cross-disciplinary scholars draw on the latest scientific evidence & practices to interrogate policy questions & advance our understandings.

Fellowship Program

New Fellowship Videos

What is CASBS fellowship? In three new videos, fellows describe it in their own words. Surveys show a CASBS fellowship year is the most fulfilling of one's professional life. The new videos join 14 others.


A Bequest to CASBS

Former CASBS fellow Jerome B. Schneewind, a member of the 1992-93 class, died in 2024. He and his wife, Elizabeth, honored CASBS through a bequest in their estate plans. They ensured that their legacy will endure through the work of the Center, its future fellows, and their families.

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